do knowledge and power intersect? What are the realities that they enact?
How do they foreclose other possibilities? How might alternatives be imagined?
These are the core questions that lie behind
the four areas of interest listed below which, in one way or another,
are all about politics, power, knowing and framing.
Coloniality: knowledge, framing and power
Post-colonial knowledge encounters
are power-saturated. I work: with
Wen-yuan Lin (National Tsing-hua University, Hsin'chu Taiwan) on the encounters
between biomedicine and Taiwanese medical practices; and colleagues from the Sámi
Allaskuvla in Guovdageaidnu, and Oslo University
on environmental concerns. Topics include: 'provincialising' STS; technoscience and
local ecological knowledges; alternatives to hegemonic knowledges; and
how to detect and respond to the Othering that goes with hegemony. The
papers below relate to this set of concerns. For more details about each
paper please visit the STS issues page.
- Solveig Joks, John Law and Liv Østmo (2019), 'Verbing Meahcci: no beginning, no end'
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2019), 'Where is East Asia in STS?', in East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 13: 115-136. Earlier version available at Where is East Asia in STS?
- Solveig Joks and John Law (2019), 'Indigeneity, Science and Difference', Science, Technology and Human Values, 44 (3), 424-447, available as an earlier version at Indigeneity, science and difference: notes on the politics of how
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2018), 'Working With Binaries: Patterning in a Postcolonial World'
- Liv Østmo and John Law (2018), Environmental Humanities, 10 (2), 349-369, available as an earlier version at 'Mis/translation, colonialism and environmental conflict', in
- John Law and Marianne E. Lien (2018), 'Denaturalising Nature', in Marisol de la Cadena and Mario Blaser (eds), A World of Many Worlds, Durham, Duke University Press, pp 131-171.
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin (2018), Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected STS, Journal of World Philosophies, 3 (1), 1-16; earlier version available at Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected social science.
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2017),
Knowing Between: patterning, ziran and nature
- Liv Østmo and John Law (2017), On Land and Lakes: Colonizing the North, published in Technosphere online magazine.
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin
Provincialising STS: Symmetry, Postcoloniality and Method, updated version published in East Asian Science, Technology and Society, 11 (2):211-227
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin (2017), The Stickiness of Knowing: translation, postcoloniality and STS, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 11 (2):257-269.
- Solveig Joks and John Law
(2017), Sámi
Salmon, State Salmon: LEK, Technoscience and Care, updated version published in Vicky Singleton, Claire Waterton, and Natalie Gill (ed.) Care and Policy Practices: Translations, Assemblages, Interventions, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 150-171
- John Law and Solveig Joks (2017),
Luossa and Laks: Salmon, Science and LEK, published in Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 12, (2): aw-bi.
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2016), Tidescapes: a Shi-Inflected STS (see also updated 2018 version above)
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2015), 'Symptoms', in Mark Salter (ed.), Making Things International: I, Circulation, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 115-128, also available as 'Making things differently: on 'modes of international'' at http://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/institutes/cresc/workingpapers/wp129.pdf
- John Law (2015), 'What's
wrong with a One World World?', Distinktion, 16 (1), 126-139,
also available in an earlier version at What's
Wrong with a One-World World.
- John Law, Geir Afdal, Kristin
Asdal, Wen-yuan Lin, Ingunn Moser and Vicky Singleton, (2014), 'Modes
of Syncretism: notes on non-coherence', Common Knowledge, 20
(1), 172-192, also available as Manchester and the Open University,
CRESC Working Paper 119 at http://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/institutes/cresc/workingpapers/wp119.pdf
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law
(2014), 'A Correlative STS: Lessons from a Chinese Medical Practice',
Social Studies of Science, 44 (6), 801-824, also available in an earlier
version as Manchester and the Open University, CRESC Working Paper http://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/institutes/cresc/workingpapers/wp128.pdf.
- John Law (2011), 'The
Explanatory Burden: an Essay on Hugh Raffles' Insectopedia',
Cultural Anthropology, 26, 3, 485-510
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin
( 2011), 'Cultivating Disconcertment', in Michaela Benson and Rolland
Munro (eds), Sociological Routes and Political Roots, Oxford:
Wiley-Blackwell, pp 135-153.
Return to top
Framing nature and
How does nature relate to culture
in a non-foundational era? How are they enacted? How are they entangled?
How are they separated? What does it mean to separate them? How can a
non-foundational politics respectful of the 'biosophere' be imagined?
How might we frame these questions? I initially approached these issues
by exploring the UK's 2001 foot and mouth epidemic. More recently I have:
worked ethnographically with anthropologists Marianne Lien and Gro Ween
on salmon farming in a project called Newcomers
to the Farm; with Vicky Singleton (Lancaster University)
on cattle farming in the UK; and with Solveig Joks, Liv Østmo and other collaborators at the Sámi Allaskuvla (The Sami University of Applied Sciences) in Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) in north Norway on non-binary Sámi understandings of 'nature'. Recent papers on nature, culture, framing,
and politics include the following.
- Solveig Joks, John Law and Liv Østmo (2019), 'Verbing Meahcci: no beginning, no end'
- Solveig Joks and John Law (2019), 'Indigeneity, Science and Difference', Science, Technology and Human Values, 44 (3), 424-447, available as an earlier version at Indigeneity, science and difference: notes on the politics of how
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2018), 'Working With Binaries: Patterning in a Postcolonial World'
- Liv Østmo and John Law (2018), Environmental Humanities, 10 (2), 349-369, available as an earlier version at 'Mis/translation, colonialism and environmental conflict', in
- John Law and Marianne E. Lien (2018), 'Denaturalising Nature', in Marisol de la Cadena and Mario Blaser (eds), A World of Many Worlds, Durham, Duke University Press, pp 131-171.
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin (2018), Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected STS, Journal of World Philosophies, 3 (1), 1-16; earlier version available at Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected social science.
- Heather Swanson, John Law and Marianne Lien (2018), 'Modes of Naturing: or stories of salmon', in Terry Marsden (ed.), in The Sage Handbook of Nature: London, pp 868-891.
- Marianne Lien and John Law (2019), 'The Ghost at the Banquet: Ceremony, Community and Industrial Growth in West Norway' in Penny Harvey, Knut Nustad, and Christian Krohn-Hansen, Anthropos and the Material, Duke University Press, pp 296-220.
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2107),
Knowing Between: patterning, ziran and nature
- Solveig Joks and John Law
(2017), Sámi
Salmon, State Salmon: LEK, Technoscience and Care, updated version published in Vicky Singleton, Claire Waterton, and Natalie Gill (ed.)Care and Policy Practices: Translations, Assemblages, Interventions, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 150-171
- Liv Østmo and John Law (2017), On Land and Lakes: Colonizing the North, published in Technosphere online magazine.
- John Law and Solveig Joks (2017), Luossa and Laks: Salmon, Science and LEK, published in Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances, 12, (2): aw-bi.
- Marianne Lien and John Law
(2016), 'The Salmon Domus as a site of mediation',
Chapter in Tone Druglitro and Kristian Bjorkedal (eds),
Animal Housing; Politics, Practices and Infrastructures,
Farnham UK, Ashgate, pp 15-28.
- John Law and Marianne Lien (2016), 'The Practices of Fishy Sentience',
in Kristin Asdal, Tone Druglitro, and Steve Hinchliffe (eds),
Humans, Animals and Biolpolitics: the more-than-human condition, Farnham UK, Ashgate, pp 30-47.
- Marianne Lien and John Law
(2016), 'What you need to know to be a fish farmer in West Norway',
in Illana Gershon (ed.), A World of Work, Imagined Manuals for Real Jobs, Ithaca,
Cornell University Press, pp 28-43; also available at http://www.sv.uio.no/sai/english/research/projects/newcomers/publications/working-papers-web/what-you-need-to-know-to-be-a-fish-farmer.pdf
- Vicky Singleton and John
Law (2013), 'Devices as Rituals', Journal of Cultural Economy,
6: (3), 259-277
- John Law and Marianne Lien
(2013), 'Slippery: Field Notes on Empirical Ontology', Social
Studies of Science, 43: (3), 363-387.
- John Law and Marianne
Lien (2013), 'Animal Architextures', in Penelope Harvey, Eleanor Casella,
Gillian Evans, Hannah Knox, Christine McLean, Elizabeth Silva, Nicholas
Thoburn and Kath Woodward (eds), Objects and Materials: a Routledge
Companion, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, pp 329-337,
- John Law (2012), 'Notes
on Fish, Ponds and Theory', Norsk Antropologisk Tidskrift,
3-4, 225-236.
- John Law and Ingunn Moser,
'Contexts and Culling' (2012), Science, Technology and
Human Values, 37, 4, 332-354.
- John Law (2012), 'Reality
Failures' in Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Birgit Peuker and Michael Schillmeier
(eds), Agency without Actors: New Approaches to Collective Action,
Bielefeld: Transcript, pp 21-49.
- Law, John and Annemarie
Mol (2011), 'Veterinary Realities: What is Foot and Mouth Disease?',
Sociologia Ruralis, 51 (1), 1-19.
- Marianne Lien and John Law
(2011), ''Emergent Aliens': On Salmon, Nature and Their
Enactment', Ethnos, 76 (1), 65-87.
- John Law (2010), 'Care
and killing: tensions in veterinary practice', in Annemarie Mol,
Ingunn Moser and Jeannette Pols (eds), Care in Practice: On Tinkering
in Clinics, Homes and Farms, Transcript, Bielefeld, pp 57-69.
- John Law & Vicky Singleton
(2009), 'A Further Species of Trouble?', Martin Doering &
Brigitte Nerlich (eds), The Cultural Meaning of the 2001 Outbreak
of Foot and Mouth Disease in the UK, Manchester, pp. 229-242.
- John Law and Annemarie Mol
(2008), 'Globalisation in Practice: On the Politics of Boiling Pigswill',
Geoforum, 39: (1), 133-143.
- John Law and Annemarie Mol
(2008), 'The Actor-Enacted: Cumbrian Sheep in 2001', in Lambros
Malafouris & Carl Knappett, Material Agency: Towards a Non-Anthropocentric
Approach, Springer, pp. 55-77.
- Law, John (2008), 'Practising
Nature and Culture: an Essay for Ted Benton', in Sandra Moog and
Rob Shields (eds), Nature, Social Relations and Human Needs: Essays
in Honour of Ted Benton, London: Palgrave, pp 65-82.
- John Law (2008), 'Culling,
Catastrophe and Collectivity', Distinktion, 16, 61-76.
- John Law (2006), 'Disaster
in Agriculture, or Foot and Mouth Mobilities' Environment
and Planning A, 38, 227-239.
Return to top
framing and performativity
Research methods enact and
frame realities. They are performative. And they are also non-coherent.
How, then, might we think about methods? What are the methods we need
to know the world, to enact it, and to live well in it? This is the core
question in a continuing series of substantive projects, within both natural
and social science. Recent publications include the following.
- John Law (2019), Material Semiotics
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2018), 'Working With Binaries: Patterning in a Postcolonial World'
- John Law and Wen-yuan Lin (2018), 'Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected STS', Journal of World Philosophies, 3 (1), 1-16; earlier version available at Tidescapes: notes on a Shi-inflected social science.
- Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2018), 'Where
is East Asia in STS?'; forthcoming in East Asian Science, Technology and Society. Earlier version available at Where is East Asia in STS?
- John Law (2018), 'Preface: the Politics of Ethnography', in Alexandra Plows (ed.), "Messy" Ethnographies for Messy Social Realities, Wilmington Delaware, Vernon Press, pp vii-x.
Wen-yuan Lin and John Law (2017),
Knowing Between: patterning, ziran and nature
- John Law (2017), 'STS as Method', Ulrike Felt, Clark Miller, Laurel Smith-Doerr, and Rayvon Fouche (eds), Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass, pp 30-57.
- John Law and Evelyn Ruppert (eds) (2016), Modes of Knowing: Resources from the Baroque, Mattering Press, Manchester, also available for open-source download at https://www.matteringpress.org/books/modes-of-knowing
- John Law and Vicky Singleton
(2014), 'ANT and politics: working in and on the world',
Qualitative Sociology, 36 (4), 485-502.
- John Law (2014), 'Working
well with Wickedness', in Katrin Klingan, Ashkan Sepahvand, Christoph
Rosol and Bernd M. Scherer (eds), Grain/Vapor/Ray, Haus de
Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, pp. 157-176, also available at Manchester
and the Open University, CRESC Working Paper 135 at http://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/institutes/cresc/workingpapers/wp135.pdf
- John Law and Evelyn Ruppert
(2013), 'The Social Life of Methods: Devices', Journal of Cultural
Economy, 6: (3), 229-240.
- Evelyn Ruppert, John Law
and Mike Savage (2013), 'Digital Devices: Reassembling Social Science
Methods', Theory, Culture & Society, 30: (4), 22-46.
- John Law (2013), 'Indistinct
Perception', in Catelijne Coopmans, Janet Vertesi, Mike Lynch and Steve
Woolgar (eds), New Representation in Scientific Practice, MIT
Press, Cambridge, Mass, pp 337-342.
- John Law (2011), Assembling
the Baroque, Manchester and the Open University: CRESC Working Paper
- John Law (2011), 'Collateral
Realities', in Fernando Dominguez Rubio and Patrick Baert (eds),
The Politics of Knowledge, London: Routledge, pp 156-178.
- John Law (2009), 'Seeing
Like a Survey', Cultural Sociology, 3, 2, 239-256.
- John Law (2007), 'Making
a Mess with Method', in William Outhwaite and Stephen P. Turner
(eds), The Sage Handbook of Social Science Methodology, Sage:
Beverly Hills and London, pp 595-606.
- John Law, (2007) 'Pinboards
and Books: Learning, Materiality and Juxtaposition', in David
Kritt and Lucien T. Winegar (eds.) Education and Technology: Critical
Perspectives, Possible Futures, Lanham: Maryland, pp 125-150.
- John Law (2004), 'And
if the Global Were Small and Non-Coherent? Method, Complexity and the
Baroque', Society and Space, 22, 13-26.
to top
Policy, framing and power
2010 and 2014 I worked with CRESC's Manchester
Capitalism team. The writing of this group attempts a critical engagement
with inequalities and dysfunctions of contemporary forms of production
and finance. One of the core concerns is with how political and policy
options are framed to exclude alternatives in the current 'neo-liberal'
British state. In addition I have worked on policy-related concerns using
a more specifically actor-network approach with Vicky Singleton of Lancaster
University. Once again policy is a context in which knowledge, power and
framing powerfully interact to set limits the conditions of political
and analytical possibility.
- Andrew Bowman, Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Lever, Michael Moran and Karel Williams (2014), The End of the Experiment?
From competition to the foundational economy, Manchester, Manchester University Press
- Sukhdev Johal, John Law
and Karel Williams (2014), From Publics to Congregations? GDP and its Others, available as Manchester
and the Open University CRESC Working Paper 136 http://hummedia.manchester.ac.uk/institutes/cresc/workingpapers/wp136.pdf
- John Law and Karel Williams
(2014), A
State of Unlearning? Government as Experiment, available as Manchester
and the Open University CRESC Working Paper 134
- John Law and Vicky Singleton
(2014), 'ANT, Multiplicity and Policy', Critical Policy
Studies, 8 (4), 379-396.
- Justin Bentham, Andrew Bowman,
Marta de la Cuesta, Ewald Engelen, Ismail Ertrk, Peter Folkman,
Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Leaver, Michael Moran and
Karel Williams (2013), Manifesto
for the Foundational Economy, available as Manchester and the Open
University CRESC Working Paper 131.
- Andrew Bowman, Peter Folkman,
Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Leaver, Mick Moran and Karel
Williams (2013), The
Great Train Robbery, Rail Privatisation and After,
available as Manchester and the Open University CRESC Research Report.
- Andrew Bowman, Peter Folkman,
Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Leaver, Michael Moran and
Karel Williams (2013), The Conceit of Enterprise, available
as Manchester and the Open University CRESC Research Report.
- Andrew Bowman, Ismail Erturk,
Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Leaver, Mick Moran and Karel
Williams (2012), The
Finance and Point-Value-Complex, available as Manchester and the
Open University CRESC Working Paper 118.
- Andrew Bowman, Julie Froud,
Sukhdev Johal, John Law, Adam Leaver and Karel Williams (2012), Bringing
Home the Bacon: from trader mentalities to industrial policy, available
as Manchester and the Open University CRESC Research Report.
- Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal,
John Law, Adam Leaver, and Karel Williams (2011), Knowing
What to Do? How Not to Build Trains, available as Manchester and
the Open University CRESC Research Report.
- Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal,
John Law, Adam Leaver and Karel Williams (2011), Rebalancing
the Economy (Or Buyer's Remorse), available as Manchester and the
Open University CRESC Working Paper 87.
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